FAQ - What about adoption

What about adoption?

Is adoption a possibility?

If you feel unable to care for your baby then adoption means you can arrange for them to be cared for by a loving family. It means you can give your child the kind of life you would want to give them, but you feel you cannot give them now yourself.

Many people have negative images about the adoption process – often from films or books which do not give a true picture of what it is like in Britain today. Some things you may not know are:

  • Studies show that most adoptions work out happily
  • Your child can have a life book that tells them what you would like them to know about you (and their father)
  • You can say what sort of people you would like as parents for your child
Deciding now to place your baby for adoption does not mean you cannot change your mind after the baby is born. You can change your mind any time up until the adoption order is made – about 3 months after the birth.

How would I support myself?

Having a baby can be financially demanding, particularly if you are on your own. However, there is help available, including help specifically for single parents. At TPAC we have information about benefits, tax credits, maternity pay, sure start grants, childcare providers etc. What you are able to claim will depend on your situation: if you are working or in education, if you live with your parents, with friends or by yourself. We can help you work out what you will be entitled to, and can also support you in planning your finances if you like.

If you are working you will be entitled to maternity leave and your job may be kept open for you if you want to go back some time after the birth. You may be able to arrange more flexible hours, or to work part time. The amount of maternity pay you are entitled to and the length of time you may leave will depend on how long you have been in your job and the policy your employer has. You may well be entitled to working families tax credit. You will be entitled to child benefit.

Even if you are not working you will be able to claim child tax credit
If you are not working or on a low income you may be able to claim income support. The amount for a parent and dependent child is more than for a single person.

There is much more available, including education grants, help with childcare costs, enterprise grants (if you want to work from home) and help with debt problems. Contact us for more information. You can also get information about most benefits (and maternity pay) from www.dwp.gov.uk.
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